The Fred Eichler RRA Predator2: The Best Predator Rifle Ever Created?
I know Fred Eichler well, and I know how much he loves predator hunting. I also know that Eichler had his hand in developing a predator rifle; it would have to meet and exceed
I know Fred Eichler well, and I know how much he loves predator hunting. I also know that Eichler had his hand in developing a predator rifle; it would have to meet and exceed seeks to entertain, educate, and to keep hunting enthusiasts up-to-date on the latest and greatest techniques and products to make your next outdoor adventure a success. All facets of hunting are covered here by some of North America’s top outdoor journalists and photographers. Add us to your “favorites” list, subscribe to our newsletter, and visit often. At, big- and small-game hunting is more than a passion—it is a lifestyle.