Coyote hunting, like all hunting, has become a gear-laden pastime; however, if you’re a song dog newcomer and want to test the waters, you can jump into the coyote-calling ocean with little to no
Pro Turkey Giveaway Pro Turkey Giveaway Prize Descriptions: Mossberg 940 Pro Turkey Pro Turkey Giveaway Prize Descriptions: Mossberg 940 Pro Turkey 940 Pro Turkey shotguns come optic-ready, with receiver cuts that accept low-profile direct
The closing days of the turkey season are bittersweet. Sure, you still have hunting opportunity and likely fewer hunters in the woods, but turkeys have experienced hunting pressure. Plus, fewer toms roam the woods
Turkey season is just around the corner for most hunters. Are you ready for the opener? Your excitement indicates your readiness to jump into the turkey fray, but have you honestly done any preparation
Tradition drives most hunting pursuits, but sometimes throwing tradition out the window could be the best plan for success. Spring turkey hunting falls into that category. Most hunts begin well before daylight by positioning seeks to entertain, educate, and to keep hunting enthusiasts up-to-date on the latest and greatest techniques and products to make your next outdoor adventure a success. All facets of hunting are covered here by some of North America’s top outdoor journalists and photographers. Add us to your “favorites” list, subscribe to our newsletter, and visit often. At, big- and small-game hunting is more than a passion—it is a lifestyle.